What I do…

The most important thing I do is listen. Both to you and to the Divine. I have become a mediator of sorts. There is undoubtedly a day coming when everyone is hearing their own guidance with confidence and ease. Meanwhile it is my calling to both help guide toward that end and stand in and help when needed. 

Each session is set up in a spirit of non-judgement and a releasing of my filters and ideas so that I can be available for any type of healing and insight that can best serve my client. There can be shamanic wisdom that may come through in one session and galactic wisdom in another. One session may focus on the emotional cause of an illness and another may be focused on practical strategies for overcoming. Sessions can dive deep beneath the conscious mind and speak to places long forgotten.  Others are validations of what a client already knows but may need extra reinforcement to bring an issue or decision into clarity and action. There are sessions in which a deceased loved one is the focus and sessions in which a mess needs to be cleaned up in an ancestral line. The list is endless! It is my job to LISTEN and learn what each client needs with in the context of each session. 

What you need to know about receiving a Session:

I was once describing what I do to a woman’s husband who was about to receive a session. She interrupted me and said, “Oh just do it already, It’s impossible to describe!” And she is right about that! The receiving of a session most often feels comforting, expansive and somehow makes sense even when things are outside of ones understanding. A great deal of humour, condor and tenderness is peppered into the session. It’s a lay-back-in-your-recliner-and-receive-with-total-safety-and-wonderment kind of situation! 

In the beginning of a session I will ask you to describe what has you seeking support. I listen and take notes and when you feel complete the healing part of the session begins. I will begin by asking for your permission to enter your space. I will get very quiet at this point until I can see, sense or feel the point of entry into the healing. Any changes that might be wanting to occur in your system will be addressed by my asking if I have permission to do so.  You are welcome to interrupt and ask questions during the session and I will check in with you fairly often and ask how you are feeling and if you have a question or thoughts that you would like to express. 

Most sessions are conducted over the phone. This works very well and allows for a deeper comfort and focus (over a Zoom experience for example.) In person sessions are also excellent provided we live in proximity to one another.  The average session is about 60 to 90 minutes long and I work by the session, not by the hour. It’s good to have a glass of water, notebook and pen nearby. The session will be recorded and emailed to you if that is something you desire. Some like to take notes and others like to rest into the experience. There will be a sense of completion for both myself and you as the session comes to a close. On a rare occasion, in the days following as session, a burning question or sensation will pop up and most often, a quick call can answer or elevate what has come up. These call are free and I welcome them. ( If a call goes beyond 20 minutes I will sometimes charge a minimal charge and that is determined by the time that goes beyond the 20 minutes.) You are welcome to set up repeat sessions but most people call on an as needed basis as a single session can change so much that it can be awhile before those changes are integrated and the next layer is ready to be addressed. 

Misty has been my guiding light for over 5 years. She will hold your hand get you through the other side, closer to your authentic self.

If you are truly open to the work, you will experience tangible results that will improve your life inmediately.
— Mariano

Misty's Offerings

  • Intuitive Counseling with Mystic & certified ThetaHealing practitioner, Misty Stone

    Intuitive Counseling

    A blend of Psychic Mediumship and healing designed to support your unique needs. These sessions provide guidance and clarity - offering insights to help you navigate life’s challenges while honoring the idea that we are always shaping our own potential outcomes. They also profoundly assist in areas where emotional or energetic healing is needed.

    Cost: $100-$150 per 60-90 minute session

  • Integration Energy Healing Sessions with Mystic, Misty Stone

    Integration Sessions

    Integration sessions focus primarily on the aftermath of Plant Medicine Journeys. Whether I facilitated your journey or I am just hearing about it, Integration Sessions are able to dive deep into your experience and help bring profound clarity and understanding. 

    Sliding Scale: $65-$125

  • Integration Energy Healing & Sacred Medicine Journey Sessions 4-Pack with Mystic, Misty Stone

    4-Pack Of Sessions

    This package of four sessions is ideal for addressing issues that require a sustained approach. It's also perfect for those who know they want ongoing sessions, offering a discount.

    Details: Four 60-90 minute sessions, scheduled weekly or monthly, to be used within 6 months.

    Cost: $380

  • Energy Healing Soul Session with Mystic, Misty Stone

    Soul Sessions

    A Soul Session offers a profound and unique experience by connecting directly with your Oversoul. From this elevated perspective, it reveals the many versions of you across time and space, while focusing on what you, in this lifetime, seek to experience and overcome.

    As part of the session, I create a 4”x 6” channeled illustration inspired by your reading. This personalized artwork will be completed and sent to you within two weeks of your session.

    Cost: $300